
Diamond Minds

You're a visionary, a trailblazer who has already pathed a way, made a mark on the world, made a dream a reality.

There are still so many things that you want to accomplish but for some unknown reason something is holding you back.

This could be impacting your health, wealth or relationships.

It's an old wound, your achilles heel that is stopping you from taking that quantum leap and have you expand and flourish in ALL areas of your life.

You may work solo, have a business partner or be responsible for a team of people.

And any one of these individuals will likely be experiencing their own achilles heel, their own blocks, limitations on their greatness.

Now imagine a time when yourself and all those who work with you and along side you have all stepped into their greatest potential.

Life is humming and vibrating on a frequency that is TRULY AUTHENTIC you are connected and aligned with those who operate from belief systems that are based on love not fear.

Imagine what incredible things can be realised when diamond minds co-create.

Align, Enhance, Elevate

Ready to experience a business that feels truly aligned, exceeding all expectations and one where every person connected to it shines..?

Calling all Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Leaders in Industry who are a Force For Good..

If you're ready to dig deep so that you may climb to the highest heights in all your endeavours..

Then get ready to step into a version of you that experiences..

  • the ability to manifest at a greater speed with greater clarity
  • fully embodying beliefs that are aligned with your goals, desires and dreams
  • quantum leaps in your business and non business life
  • healing from the ground up, transforming pain into your superpower
  • cultivating peace for yourself and others even in the most chaotic of times
  • a feeling of lightness in your heart, mind, body and soul
  • a graceful humble confidence
  • freedom in being your true self infusing all areas of your life
  • a level of peace, freedom that just keeps on expanding
  • the space to step into a truly abundant life that feels energetically rich and emotionally fit

Working with Danielle has completely transformed my business.


Your Beliefs & Your Business

Your beliefs have created and shaped your life.

These beliefs underly all your behaviours, thoughts and habits in and out of the workplace.

If we have ‘discomfort’ in our life, then there will be a limiting belief or set of limiting beliefs that will be behind that discomfort.  A discomfort can be showing up as a ‘hurdle’ stopping us from moving forward or moving forward with ease.

In the workplace if we’re only addressing these hurdles / discomforts on a conscious level, outcomes will be short lived and we'll be shown the same lesson again and again. Exhausting.

Limiting beliefs equal limitations on what we can do and achieve. Once the source of these limiting beliefs is identified with Belief Coding then some permanent and real head way can truly be made.

Belief Coding clears the ‘hurdles’ or ‘discomforts’ at the core and cellular level helping individuals develop, shape and release potential ongoing. Behaviours, thoughts and habits are all based on a fresh set of new beliefs that ensure and enable a life that feels free, joyful and full of possibilities at work and beyond.

Ready To Upgrade Your Beliefs?

Working Together

Depending on what your objectives are you'll either work with Danielle or with Danielle and her team of experienced and accredited practitioners in the field of subconscious coaching who specialise in busting through business blocks that not only benefit the work environment but the non work environment too..

You are no diamond in the rough.. but your full magnificence is still being weighed down by yet to be identified limiting beliefs that are showing up as negative thoughts, behaviours, experiences..

As you chip off the last bits of dirt, those thoughts, behaviours that have held you back finally fall away and the true light of who you are is there for all to see.. N.B. sunglasses may need to be dispensed..

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Just wanted to say the HUGEST thank YOU for today! The entire team absolutely loved the workshop and didn’t stop talking about it and discussing their enlightenment. It was all so insightful and a jam-packed session with so many helpful tips! Thank you so much!

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Your Next Steps..

You Are Sitting On A Gold, Platinum & Diamond Mine

If you're in a leadership role, a business owner or entrepreneur with trails to blaze and you're done with limiting misaligned beliefs holding you back then we have three experiences to choose from.

Each package has been curated to meet a range of budgets and objectives and all are designed to align, enhance and elevate your business.

If you'd like to chat further about what package would suit you best then email us here

If you lead a team of women and would like to learn more about how working with the menstrual cycle improves productivity, creativity, connectivity and energy then email us here

Ready To Open The Lid And Enjoy The Treasures?

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Package 1


If you're new to Danielle Rickwood Wellbeing a complimentary 'Clarity Call' is available. On this call we'll help you get clear on which experience will be the best fit for you to support you on your journey. To book that call just hit the button below!

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